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[wp_bandcamp_player type=”track” id=”125954929″ size=”venti” bg_color=”#DCDDD5″ link_color=”#4285BB”]
Have I been mistaken
To believe that you’re even out there to find
Haven’t I been patient
Have I waited long enough to have seen a sign
All I know
Is that I am here and all alone
And you could be anywhere
Are you just a rumor
A thought that crossed my mind
While thinking up ways to pass the time
Are you wishing I’d thought of you much sooner
While you force a wounded smile
For one more store-bought Valentine
High and low
I’m searching but I just don’t know
And you could be anywhere
I’ve been sleeping on my feet
I’ve been all the secrets I can keep inside me
I don’t know what more I can do
If I can’t find you
Will you find me
As seen on MTV’s Teen Mom Episode 3 Finale.
Also appears on “Wander Away,” Mike’s 2011 release.
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Teen Mom, Episode 3. (Begins at 27:00)
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Teen Mom (Season 3), MTV Shows
Live at Joe’s Pub, New York City