Yesterday was the last day of my course, “The Art and Business of Songwriting,” at Yale. Thanks again to guest speakers Amanda Palmer, Jonathan Coulton, Ryan Miller, writer/producer Scott Jacoby, entertainment attorney Bob Donnelly, Mantis Evar (co-founder of Indaba Music), and Eliot Van Buskirk ( It’s been a fantastic experience for the students, and revelatory for me. Final presentations were great, and celebratory pizza at BAR on Crown Street was delicious.
Break out the threadbare cardigan sweaters: my seminar at Yale University is entitled “The Art and Business of Songwriting.” Course description: “Music sits at the forefront of creative and technological revolutions, and songwriting remains the fundamental form of its expression. This seminar will focus on establishing a personal songwriting voice, and then explore a song’s application within the fundamentally shifting industries of film, TV and the Web via crowd sourcing, collaboration and copyright.” Sounds good, right?
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