VIDEO: Count to Ten, Songs from “Lift,” by Kelly Corrigan

VIDEO: Count to Ten, Songs from “Lift,” by Kelly Corrigan

Buy this song: Songs from Lift is a collection of Mike Errico songs that were personally selected by Kelly Corrigan, the New York Times bestselling author of The Middle Place, for the audio edition of her second book, Lift. (Random House Audio/Tallboy 7, Inc.) The five-song collection features “Skimming,” “Ever Since,” new recordings of Mike Errico classics “Someday” and “When She Walks By,” and the debut of “Count to Ten,” written by Mike Errico and Angie Pollock. “Count to Ten” and other Mike Errico songs are available at the official Mike Errico store: More Mike Errico Videos: CLICK HERE More Tune in for free music, last minute shows, announcements, giveaways, videos and all that stuff, here: Facebook || Twitter || YouTube || Bandcamp || Pandora Tallboy 7, Inc. Box 20463 NY NY... read more

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